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April 6, 2023

What is the very first thing I should do after a Kentucky car accident?

Morrin Law Office

This is a video in our LawTok series: Straight Talk with a Personal Injury Lawyer

Video Transcript:

First thing after a car accident is go get checked out it. It’s best to just go ahead and take the ambulance, take you to the hospital, have them check you out, make sure that you don’t need emergency treatment. That’s what emergency rooms do. They make sure you don’t need emergency treatment. What they don’t do is they don’t make sure you’re perfectly okay, right? I mean, they don’t do a comprehensive evaluation to make a determination that, oh, you actually don’t need any medical care. That’s not what they do. They make sure you don’t need any emergency treatment, like emergency surgery, a cast immediately, something along those lines.

I know a lot of people go to the ER after having a concussion in a car accident, and they tell me. I say, “Well, what kind of a test did they do?” “They ran a CAT scan and it came back normal.” That’s fine. That’s great. That’s better than fine. You don’t want to have a CAT scan come back abnormal. You need immediate treatment then.

But CAT scans don’t cover all brain injuries. They don’t detect everything. What would do that is an MRI. They’re not going to give you an MRI when you have swelling in any area, whether it’s your shoulder, neck, or brain. They will wait and they will say, “Hopefully your symptoms resolve.” And after a few weeks, if they don’t, and you go back to your primary care physician and you go back to the ER to get your care, they will then have you undergo an MRI to see what’s really the underlying problem here.

So the main thing is get treatment after an accident, that’s the main thing. If you do that, you’re starting off about as well as you can after having a terrible event.

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Morrin Law Office

April 6, 2023