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Kentucky Car Accidents Involving Amazon Delivery Trucks

In today’s modern era, getting fast and efficient shipping is a must. The last five years have seen an enormous increase in users of Amazon Prime, specifically for its overnight or even same-day delivery services. While this is a consumer’s dream, what are the consequences?

The roads and highways are now filled with delivery vehicles in every state and across 19 countries. To ensure that operators meet the expected number of deliveries per day, drivers often work long hours or feel the need to drive recklessly to get where they need to. It’s not too far-fetched, then, to imagine an Amazon delivery driver who is tired, distracted, or stressed. With a combination of these things, a collision with another car or person can easily occur. The biggest problem, however, is the resulting issues of fault and reliability due to Amazon frequently employing third-party services to deliver packages for them.

If you find yourself injured due to being struck by a truck driver delivering for Amazon, it is imperative that you understand your rights and the necessary steps to take. If you are planning to file a personal injury claim against the at-fault person or entity, consider hiring an attorney who can represent and guide you through this complicated process.

Information on Amazon Trucks

Despite some common misconceptions, not every Amazon package is delivered by an Amazon employee. In fact, it is more likely that the person delivering your purchased items will not be employed through Amazon at all. This is due to the Amazon Delivery Service Partner (DSP) program. The program hires third-party delivery services and drivers to fulfill Amazon’s needs on a contractual basis.

According to Amazon’s logistics page, the DSP program first launched in 2018 and has several variations in service type, including:

  • Standard delivery services;
  • Specialized delivery services;
  • Rural delivery services; and
  • Same-day delivery services.

In a post from January 2024, Amazon claimed that “all Amazon-branded vehicles are also equipped with in-vehicle camera safety technology that has reduced accident rates while protecting driver privacy.” The post added that DSP driver collisions have declined with an 89% reduction in distracted driving and an 83% reduction in speeding events. However, accident data from across the nation indicates that large truck collisions are still incredibly prevalent—especially when it comes to Amazon DSPs.

How Common Are Collisions Involving Amazon Trucks?

In the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts for 2021, a large truck is identified as a vehicle with a gross weight greater than 10,000 pounds. From 2016 – 2021, the DOT identified that the number of injury-related crashes involving large trucks increased from 97,000 to 110,000. During the same time frame, fatal crashes involving large trucks increased from 4,177 to 5,149.

A report from The Wall Street Journal indicated that more than 75 people have been killed in accidents involving large trucks specifically hired by or contracted with Amazon. In a combined effort to review over 3,500 trucking company inspections, WSJ partnered with Michigan State University professor Jason Miller—and found that over 1,300 trucking contractors received unsafe driving scores from February 2020 to August 2022. Additionally, contractors who work with Amazon were, “more than twice as likely as all other similar companies to receive bad unsafe driving scores.”

Issues with Fault & Liability When Hit by an Amazon Delivery Truck

According to a 2022 Law Review for Capital University, there were more than 60 accidents involving Amazon delivery contractors that resulted in serious injury from 2015 – 2022. Out of those, ten resulted in deaths.

One example case provided in the review involved a nine-month-old, who was killed after her mother’s car was rear-ended by a truck delivering Amazon packages. Despite the driver being arrested for aggravated driving, he could not afford a lawyer and it was not disclosed that his company was contracting for Amazon until months later. Due to this, the family did not file a claim or suit and was not compensated for the wrongful death.

In addressing the issues of tort liability, the review explained that a traditional case would place the employer at fault and liable for any injuries caused by their employee acting negligently.

“Amazon, however, has managed to skirt this liability by characterizing its delivery drivers as independent contractors, even in the most egregious cases,” the law review states.

Amazon has also had instances of avoiding liability even when the injured person or deceased person’s family filed claims. This could be because the claimant is unaware that the driver was even associated with the company due to a lack of signage or unmarked vans.

The review explains the following:

“By structuring its delivery logistics system with localized delivery partners and independent contractors, Amazon has created a two-fold shield from liability. This liability avoidance strategy has legal implications that are significant, far-reaching, and may be devastating to the often-blameless people involved in these accidents.”

As Amazon has increased its number of delivery users, the number of accidents involving their trucks or third-party deliverers could also increase. Statista claimed that the number of Amazon Prime members was expected to go up from 168.5 million users in 2022 to over 180 million users in 2024.

One Amazon spokesperson explained that there are more than 3,500 DSPs delivering around 20 million packages a day across 19 countries.

“They say Amazon on their uniform, they say Prime and Amazon on the truck, but they disavow any legal responsibility,” said one D.C. attorney regarding their case.

So, what are the options for a person injured by a negligent driver operating on a third-party basis for Amazon? Contact the experienced personal injury attorneys with Morrin Law to answer these important questions and help represent your case.

Who Will be Held Responsible for an Amazon Truck Collision?

Given the nature of Amazon’s driving programs like DSP or Amazon Flex, the person responsible for causing a collision could be any of the following:

  • The delivery driver operating as a DSP;
  • The delivery driver operating their own vehicle to deliver packages as Amazon Flex; or
  • The company Amazon.

Keep in mind that the surrounding circumstances of the accident will impact who exactly will be liable for any resulting damages caused. If you are confused or need legal guidance, do not hesitate to contact the office of Morrin Law today.

Example Incidents of Car Accidents Involving Amazon Delivery Trucks

Injury-resulting collisions involving Amazon delivery trucks are not new. The following provides several examples from around the nation:

  • Colorado, 2024 – Eight individuals in an SUV were rushed to the hospital after being struck by an Amazon truck driver in June. According to a local report, the Amazon driver was heading west on I-70 around 2am when the driver suddenly collided into the guardrail. The Amazon truck then swerved across the median and hit an eastbound SUV head-on. Both vehicles caught on fire from the impact. While the truck driver was not hurt, all members of the SUV were taken to the hospital, and one suffered serious injuries. Colorado State Patrol (CSP) indicated that the Amazon delivery driver was cited for careless driving causing injury.
  • Washington, DC, 2023 – A woman was severely injured after by hit by an Amazon delivery truck on December 30th. The report explained that several witnesses saw the collision—in which the victim was a pedestrian crossing the crosswalk when a delivery truck started to make a left turn onto Massachusetts Avenue. The truck driver “felt a bump coming from the rear tire” and upon exiting the vehicle he found the victim “laying on the ground and under the rear driver’s side tire.” The driver then proceeded to back up the vehicle, so it was no longer on top of her. The victim suffered multiple broken bones and was in the hospital for an extended stay.

Despite the confusion on who takes the blame when a third-party Amazon driver causes a crash, injured individuals and their families have begun to take the necessary steps to hold the company responsible. An Ars Technica article provided details of a crash where an Amazon DSP driver crashed into a Tesla while going nearly 14 miles per hour over the speed limit. The victim suffered life-threatening injuries including spinal cord damage and TBI. The victim sued Amazon in one of the first cases to determine the company’s liability.

The claim of Amazon’s negligence included “mandating a delivery schedule that was unrealistic such that it forced the drivers to rush to the point it was unsafe and as a practical matter made it impossible to drive safely.”

What to Do if an Amazon Truck Hits You

How you react in the wake of a collision involving a driver delivering for Amazon is crucial if you are planning to seek compensation. The first and most important aspect is to remain calm and seek out medical attention. Your health and physical wellbeing are extremely important. Follow along with these steps to make sure you are safe and smartly managing the situation:

  • Contact the Police – You are required to contact law enforcement following a crash involving property damage or personal injury in Kentucky. If no officer arrives at the scene, you must fill out the Civilian Collision Report within 10 days of the incident. However, a police officer can help by taking statements, analyzing the crash scene, and determining who is at fault.
  • Exchange personal details and necessary information – You should obtain the other driver’s contact information, the license plate for their delivery truck, the insurance company of the driver, their logbook (if they have one), and indication of whether the other driver was working at the time of the crash.
  • Document the accident scene – This can include taking pictures and videos of the crash site, documenting any immediate signs of injury, speaking to eyewitnesses who saw the crash, and the conditions of the vehicles involved. Specific to this type of accident, it can help to note the make and model of the truck, and whether it was a standard Amazon vehicle or third-party.
  • Seek additional/ongoing treatment for sustained injuries – Even if an ambulance does not get called to the accident site, you will need medical documentation of all resulting injuries from a doctor. Common injuries from a large truck collision can include:
    • Cuts and lacerations;
    • Broken bones;
    • Torn ligaments;
    • Spinal cord injuries;
    • Loss of limb(s); and
    • Traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Since some injuries are not immediately noticeable, it is imperative that you have a medical professional give you a full assessment following the crash. For potential compensation purposes, you will need a list of injuries, medication, and ongoing treatment related to the accident injury.

  • Contact Morrin Law Our Kentucky personal injury attorneys have decades of experience representing those wrongfully injured by large trucks in Kentucky. You are entitled to seek legal representation after being involved in a serious collision. Our lawyers can assist you in contacting and negotiating with the insurance companies and helping to identify who exactly is at fault for the resulting damages. If you plan to sue or if your case goes to trial, we will represent you in court and do everything we can to get you the compensation your injuries deserve.

Contact Morrin Law Today

No one expects to be in a car accident, but these things do happen. Morrin Law always stresses the importance of prioritizing your physical health following a collision. Once the dust has settled and the police have investigated the scene, consider hiring a personal injury attorney who can answer any questions you may have regarding a claim.

Kentucky has specific laws and regulations when it comes to personal injury claims and paths for litigation. Our experienced lawyers understand the ins and outs of these rules and how to navigate through the complex legal process. If you were injured by a driver you suspect to have been delivering for Amazon, or if you experienced wrongful death by losing a loved one to a crash involving an Amazon driver, contact Morrin Law today. We provide free introductory consultations when you contact our office at (859) 358-0300.