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What is the Average Payout in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Kentucky?

If you’re considering filing a wrongful death lawsuit, one of the biggest questions that may arise is: How much compensation can my family receive? It should be noted that every case is unique, and numerous factors can determine how much money will be paid out for a...

Are Wrongful Death Settlements Taxable in Kentucky?

A family seeking financial compensation for the loss of their loved one does so by filing a wrongful death claim. Once the case is settled, any awarded compensation is divided among the surviving family members. One question that arises in these types of civil cases...

Who Gets the Money in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

Finding out a loved one has died is one of the toughest experiences to go through. On top of navigating the wave of grief, you suddenly are presented with a complex legal process of a wrongful death lawsuit. Losing a family member or partner to a negligent incident...

The Dangers of Illegally Parked Semi-Trucks on the Highway

If you’ve ever spotted a semi-truck parked on the side of a highway exit, you’re not alone. The growing issue of large trucks blocking rest areas, exit ramps, and other crucial parts of the roadway has become more common in the last few years. With large companies...
What is the Most Dangerous Type of Distracted Driving?

What is the Most Dangerous Type of Distracted Driving?

In today's fast-paced world, the presence of smartphones has revolutionized how we connect and access information. However, this digital dependency comes at a grave cost when it infiltrates driving habits. The most hazardous form of distracted driving? Look no further...

How Do Accidents Involving Out-of-State Drivers Work?

How Do Accidents Involving Out-of-State Drivers Work?

Tragedy struck on Interstate 75 in Kentucky in early January. A white pickup truck was speeding while traveling the wrong way on the highway. It crashed into a vehicle carrying a family of five. The family was traveling back to their home in Michigan after vacationing...

When You Might Not Need a Personal Injury Lawyer

When You Might Not Need a Personal Injury Lawyer

Hurt? One Time You MIGHT NOT Need a Personal Injury Lawyer: 1) You have a POLICY LIMITS OFFER from the liability insurance company for the at-fault driver, there are NO OTHER APPLICABLE POLICIES (UIM, Home Insurance, UM, Umbrella Insurance, etc.), and you have...

Questions After a Car Accident?  Don’t be Fooled!

Questions After a Car Accident? Don’t be Fooled!

After an auto accident, one of the most difficult things to deal with is the uncertainty and insurance hoops that follow. Not knowing if you are seriously injured, only adds to the stress of an already difficult situation. Knowing the truth and what your case is worth...